I think we’ve all felt it – the uncertainty of being in business.

You’re thinking of leaving your job

You finally quit your job

You start out on your own

There’s no guaranteed wage at the end of every week

You’re completely responsible for your own income

And you’re never sure if you’re going to make it

Being in business for yourself can be totally terrifying and completely uncertain

But what if I told you that there’s a way to overcome this uncertainty.

What if there was a way of seeing the “uncertainty of business” that gives you total control and power?

Let me share with you a light bulb moment I had a few years ago…

I began to think about how “certain” and reliable a traditional job was

It was then that I realized that having a job means you’re completely reliant on someone else to be managing their finances and business growth properly, and no matter how hard you work

In fact, as an employee, you rely so completely on your boss doing the right thing that if the business you’re working for experienced some financial difficulties, your boss would be last person fired… and the employees would be the first!

So, as an employee, there’s actually LESS security and certainty than when you’re the business owner.

As the business owner, you’ll be the LAST person fired (if things get tight)

As the business owner, you get to make ALL the decisions about how the business is run so that you service your clients properly

As the business owner, you have TOTAL responsibility and TOTAL certainty.

Now, isn’t that empowering?

It was for me, and I hope it is for you too.

Another little tool you might like to use to help give you a bit more certainty in business is my spreadsheet titled How Much Capital Will I Need?  This spreadsheet has built in formulas to help you figure out your cashflow forecasting so you know exactly how much money you need to keep your business running.  Please go and download it for free here

If you haven’t seen my last blog titled How To Get Exposure WITHOUT Having An Office be sure to check that out next!

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