In my last blog, I started the six part series about Working Virtually in Real Estate.  So this is part two and I’m sharing my first tip for getting this business model working for you:

My first tip is to get a great website.  This becomes your virtual “shopfront” and can make your office look really big and professional.  This was really great for me because I started with zero properties and needed to look bigger than I actually was!

You can use the website to create credibility and let potential clients know that you are an expert in your industry, showcase your team (or at least yourself), provide useful information and invite potential clients to sign up for your free newsletter (or something free that entices visitors to your site to give you their email address – your database is key when you’re first starting out!)

Keep this website up to date and optimised for search engine results, look into some paid search engine marketing (or perhaps Facebook ads) and this will become the way your new clients find you.  Think about it – when was the last time you signed up a new vendor or landlord as a result of them walking into your office?

For more information on this or anything else related to starting your own Rent Roll, contact Rent Roll Starter today! Phone 02 7903 9993

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