So you’ve heard the news right?

Mark Zuckerberg has changed the rules this year.

And your Facebook Page is gonna suffer.

Basically, Zuckerberg has said they’re going to focus on meaningful engagement.

Facebook is going to show less public content

Fewer posts from businesses, brands and media.

And that means your business page too.

You’re just not going to get the organic reach on your Facebook page that you used to.

(if you haven’t read Mark Zuckerberg’s post about this click here)

But does that mean it’s time to shut down your Facebook Page?


Keep it active, and use a few quick tricks for making your posts more engaging.

Want a list of 7 tricks for making your Facebook posts more engaging?


  1. Ask for feedback from your followers

Share a question asking for feedback on something.
You might like to find out if your audience likes a potential new logo for your office.
Or get feedback on two different designs for your branded cars.

Or ask for a recommendation for a Christmas party location for your office.


  1. Use native video

While it’s useful to use YouTube for all your video hosting, be sure to upload your videos directly into the Facebook platform itself (rather than sharing a YouTube link on Facebook).  Facebook will reward you for uploading the video directly, rather than sharing it’s competitor’s link.


  1. Make people laugh

Of course it needs to be appropriate for your office and audience.  But sharing a video or photo that is funny, cute or loveable is always a winner.  Plus it’s more likely to get engagement, in terms of reactions and shares.


  1. Show behind the scenes videos and pictures

We all love to see how a business operates behind the receptionist’s desk, when no one else is watching.  So share videos and photos showcasing the real people, behind the scenes in your business.  You’re more relatable when you’re relaxed.  Let’s face it, that’s much more engaging!


  1. Don’t overuse Hashtags

Research by BuzzSumo has shown that Facebook posts without hashtags actually get better results than posts including hashtags.  Crazy right?

So feel free to use hashtags for topics that are trending right now, but for everything else, leave them out.


  1. Share a Poll or a Quiz

We all love to vote in a Facebook Poll right?  Well, so does your audience!  So if you want to get your engagement up, and you have something legitimate to poll or survey your audience on, go ahead!


  1. Post at unusual times

BuzzSumo’s research showed that posts published between 10pm and midnight got better engagement.  Most likely because there’s not much competition.

Same deal with posting on a Sunday.  Lots of businesses aren’t posting then, so get involved on a Sunday!

Remember, if you need to post at unusual hours, use Facebook’s scheduling tool, or a third party scheduling tool like Buffer or Hootsuite, so you don’t have to manually post at these times.


Remember, the algorithm change might seem like terrible news for those of us with business pages, but all Facebook is doing is trying to make the social media platform a better place for it’s users.  And those users are people we can target with advertising, so we want them to stay on Facebook!


If you need advice on how to use Facebook to grow your rent roll check out my article on How To Get Landlord Leads From Facebook here and if you’re totally stumped for ideas on what else to post on social media download my 16 Different Types of Social Media Posts for Property Management here


If you haven’t seen my last blog titled Starting from ZERO? be sure to check that out next!

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